Hip and Thigh Pain Specialist – Orange County
If you are suffering from hip or thigh pain, don’t wait any longer. Contact OC Sports and Wellness today to schedule a consultation. We will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to get you back to doing the things you love.
Hip and thigh pain can be hard to diagnose and treat without professional medical supervision. The hip and thigh areas of the body contain the largest bones and muscles packed with various nerves. Aging, trauma, and sports-related injuries are the leading causes of hip and thigh pain, including football, soccer, hockey, figure skating, basketball, tennis, and martial arts.
Hip and thigh pain can have many different causes. Because the movement of the hip joint, lower back, and leg bones are all connected, pain or inflammation in one area can cause problems in another. This is called referred pain.
Whether you’re an avid athlete, a dedicated professional, or simply want to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, hip and thigh pain can be a significant obstacle. It can disrupt your daily activities and prevent you from pursuing the things you love.
OC Sports and Wellness empowers you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your health and well-being and embark on a journey toward relief and recovery.

Symptoms of Hip and Thigh Pain
Hip and thigh pain are common complaints that can be caused by a wide variety of problems. The precise location of hip pain can provide clues about the underlying cause. Symptoms of hip and leg pain can differ depending on the cause of the pain. The type of symptoms can help determine the condition causing your discomfort.
- Sharp shooting pains in the buttocks and lower back may be related to sciatica or other nerve issues.
- Burning or tingling sensation in the legs, especially in the lower legs and feet, can indicate neuropathy or nerve damage.
- Pain in the lower back or down to the legs that are focused on one side could be a symptom of sacroiliac joint dysfunction.
- Pain on the inside of your hip or groin could be an indication that there’s a problem with your hip joint.
- Pain occurring on the outside of the hip and upper thigh or outer buttock may be strained muscles, ligaments, or tendons in the hip area.
- Shooting pains that radiate into your legs can be a sign of lower back strain or a hernia.
Adductor Strain
Adductor strain, also known as a groin strain, is a prevalent issue with athletes and others who are physically active. The most common sports causing this strain include football, soccer, hockey, figure skating, basketball, tennis, and karate. It occurs most often through a side-to-side motion, as when changing direction suddenly.
Hamstring Strain
Perhaps one of the most common injuries to athletes, a hamstring strain occurs when the hamstring muscle is stretched too far, too suddenly. It causes sharp pain in the back of the thigh and is often brought about through sprinting, kicking, or other movements that cause fast muscle stretching.
Iliopsoas Strain
Iliopsoas strain is a condition that often presents itself as pain at the front of the hip. The Iliopsoas muscle comprises two muscles: the Iliacus and the Psoas. A person suffering from this strain can have varying degrees of pain and hip stiffness in the hip and thigh region. Pain is often felt when lifting the knee, kicking motions, and hip flexing.
Hip and Thigh Pain
Sports medicine doctor, Dr. Sunshine investigates into the cause of your pain further than a general physician might. He employs advanced diagnostics to pinpoint the root cause of your pain, not just mask it with pills. This could involve imaging tests, physical therapy evaluations, or nerve studies.
Dr. Sunshine focuses on minimally invasive treatments and conservative techniques.
Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis syndrome is a disorder caused when the piriformis muscle presses on the sciatic nerve. This muscle is located in the buttocks close to the top of the hip joint and is crucial to lower body movement as it allows us to walk, maintain balance, and shift weight from one foot to another. Various activities, including many sports, can cause damage to this area.
Quadriceps Strain
Perhaps one of the most common injuries to athletes, a hamstring strain occurs when the hamstring muscle is stretched too far, too suddenly. It causes sharp pain in the back of the thigh and is often brought about through sprinting, kicking, or other movements that cause fast muscle stretching.
Trochanteric Bursitis
Trochanteric bursitis occurs when there is inflammation of the trochanteric bursa, which is a part of the hip. This bursa works as a shock absorber and provides lubricant to the joint so muscles and bones can move smoothly. When it is damaged or not functioning properly, pain and loss of motion can result.
Don’t let chronic hip or thigh pain hold you back.
At OC Sports and Wellness, you will receive a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, whether reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, or improving overall mobility.
Take control of your health and schedule a consultation with Dr. Sunshine, sports medicine doctor in Orange County, California. Call 949-460-9111 today and take the first step towards lasting relief.